Qualities of the GreenCling Wraps

  • 100% food safe: Plastic & BPA free
  • 100% natural: organic cotton, beeswax (antibacterial properties), jojoba oils and tree resin
  • Sustainable and low impact on the environment

How to wash your wraps

Our GreenCling Wraps are reusable up to a year.  To clean your wraps efficiently and without damaging them, rince it with soap & cold water, dry it and you are ready to store your food again!

A packaging as Eco-friendly as possible !

In a world saturated by marketing and the presence of plastic envelopping every single product, the GreenCling hive decided to make a difference by keeping it simple !

A string and a card made of recycled cardboard are enough to get the wraps on the market. We reduce to the maximum the amount of waste emitted and of course, everysingle componant of our packagings are plastic free !

The wraps … what for? 

The wraps designed by GreenCling have multiple use!

You can cover your bowls, plates, dishes … and store them in the fridge or anywhere you need!

Those wraps are also ideals to conserve your cheese, fruits and vegetables, transport your sandwiches,  store your nuts, candies … Anything is possible!